Quick facts about us

Municipalities Participating
municipalités participantes
Provinces and territories with members
Les membres sont répartis dans 13 provinces et territoires
Canadian population represented
Population canadienne représentée

Being a member of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program means being a part of a nation-wide movement of municipalities dedicated to becoming leaders in local climate action. Through PCP support, Canadian municipalities of all sizes from coast to coast to coast have developed over 420 projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In addition to providing technical support, training and resources to related to GHG emissions reductions, PCP has created a strong municipal network across the country. Through our events, community of practice meetings and the PCP Hub, members are encouraged to share knowledge and learn from one another. The PCP network continues to grow and its members, small and large, demonstrate their commitment to climate action.

Hear from our members

“We recently passed our first climate action plan with a GHG reduction target of 20 per cent below 2011 levels by 2030, and 80 per cent reduction by 2050, with implementation strategies for 140 short and longer term actions in sectors such as transportation, buildings and waste.”

—Lindsay Mierau, Office of Sustainability at the City of Winnipeg

Read case study
“Although climate change, by definition, is a long-term phenomenon (…) we, in Plessisville, have decided not to wait. (…) With our action plan and our own Green Municipal Fund, we are taking action now!””

—Mario Fortin, Mayor of Plessisville

Read case study
« Nous avons récemment adopté notre premier plan d’action climatique, qui vise à réduire nos GES de 20 % par rapport aux niveaux de 2011 d’ici 2030, et de 80 % d’ici 2050. Notre plan contient également des stratégies de mise en œuvre pour 140 mesures à court et à long terme dans des secteurs tels que le transport, les bâtiments et les matières résiduelles. »

—Lindsay Mierau, Bureau du développement durable de la ville de Winnipeg

Lire l'étude de cas
« Même si le changement climatique est, par définition, un phénomène à long terme (...), nous, à Plessisville, avons décidé de ne pas attendre. (...) Avec notre plan d’action et notre propre Fonds municipal vert, nous agissons maintenant! »

—Mario Fortin, Maire de Plessisville

Lire l'étude de cas
More case studies

See where our members are

Newest members

(updated quarterly)

  • Town of Port Rexton, ON

(mis à jour trimestriellement)


  • Ville de Port Rexton, ON

Milestone achievements

(updated quarterly)

  •      Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, NS, M4 (both)
  • ·      Town of Canmore, AB, M4 (both)
  • ·      City of Greater Sudbury, ON, M2-4 (comm)
  • ·      Township of Oro-Medonte, ON, M2 (both)
  • ·      Town of Smiths Falls, ON, M1 (comm)
  • ·      Township of Springwater, ON, M1 (both)
  • ·      Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement du Sud-Ouest, QC, M1 (both)
  • ·      Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC, M3 (both)
  • ·      Ville de Saint-Lambert, QC, M1 (corp)

(mis à jour trimestriellement)

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, N.-É., M4 (mun. et coll.)

Town of Canmore, AB, M4 (mun. & coll.)

City of Greater Sudbury, ON, M2-4 (coll.)

Township of Oro-Medonte, ON, M2 (mun. et coll.)

Town of Smiths Falls, ON, M1 (coll.)

Township of Springwater, ON, M1 (mun. et coll.)

Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement du Sud-Ouest, QC, M1 (mun. et coll.)

Ville de Lac-Mégantic, QC, M3 (mun. et coll.)

Ville de Saint-Lambert, QC, M1 (mun.)

*(corp) Indicates that the municipality has achieved the milestones for corporate activity
*(comm) Indicates that the municipality has achieved the milestones for community activity
*(both) Indicates that the municipality has achieved the milestones for corporate and community activity

For more information about the corporate and community streams, see the PCP Milestone Framework.

The Hub

The PCP Hub is our peer-to-peer online network. Available only to PCP members and key community groups (non-profits working in the sector), this platform provides a space to connect, ask questions and share successes.

Through the Hub, municipal staff and elected officials have access to the best resources and expertise on local climate action. The PCP Hub is also a great way to learn about the latest funding opportunities and access resources related to climate and energy.

Become a PCP member in three easy steps

  1. 1

    Download and print this joining resolution, and have your council adopt and sign it. It clarifies the responsibilities and requirements of membership. Please note that this is a template, which can be modified as needed.

  2. 2

    Appoint one staff member and one elected official to be your main PCP contacts. Let them know they’re responsible for this file.

  3. 3

    Email your adopted council resolution, along with the staff member’s and elected official’s contact information to pcp@fcm.ca.

    When we receive your resolution, we will email you a membership confirmation and information to help you get started.